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Our Movies

This is the page is where we'll display the glorious movies that we produce or star in...

Czar Wars

This movie was a project for my World CiVilizations Class. Our final project for the year was to do anything we wanted on anything within the 19th century, as long as it pertained to history. I decided to do the Russian Revolution. So Chandler and I began writing the script, it goes from the death of Rasputin to the rise of Communism. The only reason it's called Czar Wars is because it's a catchy title, and We had three episodes, and each started in space with the scrolling letters. However, the movie was super duper, and I got a 100% on it.

Chandler and Brendon's Glorious Movie.

This movie is the best movie that will ever be produced. And we've only filmed two or three sketches. It's in the style of Monty Python or other such sketch comedy movies. We (mostly Chandler) write sketches for it, and then act them out. We have many influences, but none are direct. We are also yet to film our best sketch. The one where we try to sneak the most food into a movie theater. The script is glorious. But for lack of actors, we have to postpone for a short while. Just wait. You'll see. It'll be the best movie EVER!