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Random Picture Album

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Here's me and Brendon starring in our children's television show. I was going through a homosexual stage. Brendon was really good about it, but you can tell he's a little uneasy in this photo.


Here's Brendon and I in our early 20th century comedy routine. Brendon was soliciting drugs at the time, hiding angel dust in his bowler cap.


Our favorite snack ofcourse is square melon. We often take them to square picnics, and see who can spit the square seeds the farthest. God bless the Japanese agricultural industry.


Here's me and the boy wonder in our breakthrough weekly prime time action show. The hardest part of the show was shaving Brendon's legs. Yikes!

Little does Chandler know, I used Nad's Hair Remover System. I got sick of shaving, waxing, and plucking, so I switched to Nad's, becuase it's got a growth inhibitor that no other product has, So I used it less often. It was so much mor comfortable. I mean not!


Here's me and Brendon on the set of our short-lived BET sitcom, "Two Black Guys." We were going through an African American episode.


I don't have a girlfriend right now, but if I did, she would look something like this


(Brendon's girlfriend would look like this)

Silly Chandler, he keeps getting the captions messed up. The good looking one should be mine and the ugly one should be his. If we're going by date history.......


Here's me and Brendon in our late magic act. We backed out after I sprained my ankle climbing the ladder to the Hell's Furnace Plunge.

No jokes indicated towards race, sexual preferance, or religion is NOT to be taken seriously. If we slander someone that we know, they can take it up with us. If we slander someone we don't know, it'll probably be a public official that put themselves in the position to be slandered.